Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Salt Shaker or Russian Warning?

Obviously I watch WAY too much CSI/Criminal Minds/Law and Order when this scenario occured at our house. I came downstairs the other morning to feed Hurley and saw a sterling silver salt shaker on the counter by the fruit bowl. Unusual? Maybe not to some, but we don't HAVE a sterling silver salt shaker. Instead of being logical and thinking that maybe, just maybe, the other person in the house bought it, I begin to think. Where did this come from? I call Eric and no answer on his phone...call again and no answer. When he does call me back I'm in a panic- "Do you know where this salt shaker came from?" to which his reply is "Umm...I bought it- where did you think it came from?" Know what I said? I thought our Russian neighbors, who hate us and repeatedly try to ride their bikes in front of my car so I will hit them (true story- another time though) had snuck in during the night and planted this salt shaker so that I would know that they were in our house while we were asleep and had planted it as a warning. A warning to what- I have no idea. It was at this point when I repeated this to Eric that I realized how CRAZY my mind works and no wonder I have anxiety! I always check the back door at night b/c I'm also convinced that someone will open the garage when we're gone and crawl into a crawl space and live in our house without us knowing (now you're thinking about that too!)....I think I need to watch happier things- like "The Hills"- good thing that's on tonight:)

Dead Laundry Fairy update: It will all come to a head in about 30 minutes when people start arriving for dinner. We have 5 of us total and only 4 seats in our kitchen....I swear I'm not going to crack and give in! More tomorrow....

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