Thursday, April 29, 2010


So I had a massage last night for my pulled muscle and at many points I kept opening my eyes to look and just make sure she didn't have needles she was poking me with or maybe burning me with a match- it was that painful. So I limped home and fell into bed and slept poorly again with my back hurting. I love sleep. I HATE no sleep and I am NOT a happy camper when I don't get my sleep. The thing (besides pasta and bagels) that I was most excited about during marathon training was the part that said the week of the marathon to start getting an extra hour of sleep. I gleefully told Eric this and he said "Uh, I think this is for people who don't get 9 hours a night already miss "I go to bed at 10 and get up at 7." It's true, I do, but I could always use more sleep!

So today I went to the chiropractor and was a little scared b/c of the terrifying warnings that my co-workers were giving me about being paralyzed, etc. I even had one lady at my work tell me to not let her "adjust your sacrum by going through (the back door to put it nicely:))." WHAT?!? And yes, she did venture near that region but when my cheeks clenched up like buns of steel she explained that she was going NEAR that region but not in..whew! I was able to relax for most of it...except everytime I breathed out and she went to pop and I kept thinking "This is it- I'm going to be paralyzed!" but I wasn't and feel 100% better. My sacrum was out, therefore causing my right leg to be shorter than my left so not only was I in pain but I was deformed:( 3 Ribs were also out and she put those right back in and I feel so much better. NOW I can get excited about Sunday- mainly I was getting sad b/c there was just no way I was going to do I am!

Oh, and I have ADDED to the laundry pile. Matt and Hayley came over the other night and Matt said "What's going on in there Eric?" I'm still holding strong and yes, mom, I know it's a case of karma:)

Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Salt Shaker or Russian Warning?

Obviously I watch WAY too much CSI/Criminal Minds/Law and Order when this scenario occured at our house. I came downstairs the other morning to feed Hurley and saw a sterling silver salt shaker on the counter by the fruit bowl. Unusual? Maybe not to some, but we don't HAVE a sterling silver salt shaker. Instead of being logical and thinking that maybe, just maybe, the other person in the house bought it, I begin to think. Where did this come from? I call Eric and no answer on his again and no answer. When he does call me back I'm in a panic- "Do you know where this salt shaker came from?" to which his reply is "Umm...I bought it- where did you think it came from?" Know what I said? I thought our Russian neighbors, who hate us and repeatedly try to ride their bikes in front of my car so I will hit them (true story- another time though) had snuck in during the night and planted this salt shaker so that I would know that they were in our house while we were asleep and had planted it as a warning. A warning to what- I have no idea. It was at this point when I repeated this to Eric that I realized how CRAZY my mind works and no wonder I have anxiety! I always check the back door at night b/c I'm also convinced that someone will open the garage when we're gone and crawl into a crawl space and live in our house without us knowing (now you're thinking about that too!)....I think I need to watch happier things- like "The Hills"- good thing that's on tonight:)

Dead Laundry Fairy update: It will all come to a head in about 30 minutes when people start arriving for dinner. We have 5 of us total and only 4 seats in our kitchen....I swear I'm not going to crack and give in! More tomorrow....

Monday, April 26, 2010

Operation Laundry

I know I just posted but I have to fill all you readers in on my operation laundry mission. If you have met Eric, you know he has more clothes than anyone could possibly need (35 white t-shirts, really?!). Anyways, since we don't have a clothes drying rack our dining room table/chairs have been turned into a giant clothesline and I've put my foot down! I can't stand clutter (I know mom- weird huh?!) so everyday I will pick up the clothes and bring them upstairs (no, I don't put them away- I just throw them in his closet and close the door!) but all the wives at my work keeping telling me I need to train him better so this is my first try at some retraining. I just have left it in the dining room. It's been almost 2 weeks now and the clothes continue to pile up...he hasn't said anything and neither have I. We have a friend coming over tomorrow night for dinner and can't wait to see if the clothes magically disappear....the laundry fairy has officially died! I'll keep you posted....

Countdown to Sunday!

Wow- only 6 days and I will be setting off for my first marathon! Excited but also very nervous- especially considering my hamstring has chosen the last 2 weeks to begin it's rebellion against this running stuff. I chose (studpidly- yes, you can all say I told you so) to run last Saturday and am paying for it now. I am going for a massage on Wednesday (that ought to be akward to say the least- more on that in a moment) so hoping that works this out. Between patients at work I've been using a breast ice pack to ice my injury but the pull is situated in such a place that it looks more like I'm icing my crotch so showing her my injury ought to be interesting! I'm really excited too for a girls' weekend (plus house husband Gabe!) and to prove to myself I can run 26.2 miles. We made the mistake of coming up with the grand plan of a marathon after consuming copious amounts of champagne...I frequently dream of that night never happening when I'm getting up on a cold Saturday morning to run 20 miles! Okay, off to rest and watch the Blazer game but watch for more posts...I think I'm going to like this blog thing:)