Monday, April 26, 2010

Operation Laundry

I know I just posted but I have to fill all you readers in on my operation laundry mission. If you have met Eric, you know he has more clothes than anyone could possibly need (35 white t-shirts, really?!). Anyways, since we don't have a clothes drying rack our dining room table/chairs have been turned into a giant clothesline and I've put my foot down! I can't stand clutter (I know mom- weird huh?!) so everyday I will pick up the clothes and bring them upstairs (no, I don't put them away- I just throw them in his closet and close the door!) but all the wives at my work keeping telling me I need to train him better so this is my first try at some retraining. I just have left it in the dining room. It's been almost 2 weeks now and the clothes continue to pile up...he hasn't said anything and neither have I. We have a friend coming over tomorrow night for dinner and can't wait to see if the clothes magically disappear....the laundry fairy has officially died! I'll keep you posted....


  1. hehe...LOVE THIS! I tried this with dirty dishes once!...They were in the living room, upstairs, piled up in and around the sink!...He did finally come home and clean them....but it was so painful for me...I could never do it again...So, we are back to me following him around and cleaning up after him! Ahhhh! Men! When did they become so helpless! Oh by the way...You should include a picture with this post! More dramatic! hehe

  2. It is somewhat of a "see I told you so" to the girl who couldn't be bothered to ever pick up a towel, dirty sock, or put a glass of milk in the kitchen sink (did you know milk gets solid after several weeks?). Hope this works for you--it didn't when I tried it with you!
